
Ballerina bedroom preview

I have a problem.  I’ve been planning to decorate my daughter’s room with a ballet theme for close to a YEAR.  I have the ideas in my head, the fabric for the blinds, the lamps and artwork and other accessories.  So why am I procrastinating?  One word…perfectionism.  I have trouble executing projects because I’m afraid they won’t look just right.  So I make excuses, like I don’t have enough time or I need to buy something else before I can get started.


Whew!  I said it.  I’m being brutally honest with myself.  Does this behavior sound familiar to to anyone else?  Most of us perfectionists are also procrastinators.  I can’t tell you how many all nighters I pulled in college.  I used to have a saying “if it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would get done”.


Well friends, my perfectionism isn’t doing me any favors.  My daughter has waited too long for her adorable room.  I’m setting a goal to finish her room by the end of the summer.  When she starts Kindergarten, she’ll finally have her big girl room.  And you, dear readers, will hold me accountable 🙂


So what’s been done already?

-the walls were painted in a calming blue (Sherwin Williams – Reflection)

-we installed a gorgeous vintage floral white iron chandelier

-I painted a vintage maple twin size bed with pink milk paint (MMSMP – Arabesque)

What do I still need to do?

-paint and distress my grandfather’s dresser with off white milk paint and replace drawer pulls with dainty plaster rose pulls.

-make button up blinds with vintage floral fabric

-create a reading nook with bookshelves

-make bunting and pillows

-hang artwork and decorate with accessories

I will post my progress and tutorials of these projects each week.  No more procrastinating and excuses.  I’m jumping in!







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